Your support today will help fund families, workshops, events, programs and services for our women and children. Through education, training and a wholistic approach to care, we empower our clients to rebuild their lives during and after tragedy, grief, abuse and poverty and also educate them on how to avert such disasters to avoid future recurrence or for them to impact on others to avoid such challenges in the first place, because it is often said that prevention is better than cure. Thank you for joining us in making a difference!

To make an e-transfer donation toward this cause, follow these steps:

  1. Your e-transfer should be addressed to hello@commucare.ca 
  2. Kindly call the office line on +1 (437) 922 6431 or contact us via email on hellocommucare@gmail.com informing us of your donation. Thank you once again for your contribution

To make an offline donation toward this cause, follow these steps:

  1. Your cheque should be addressed to CommuCare.
  2. Kindly call the office line on +1 (437) 922 6431 or contact us via email on hellocommucare@gmail.com informing us of your donation. Thank you once again for your contribution towards helping others.

To make a donation by cash toward this cause, follow these steps:

  1. Your cash donation is appreciate,
  2. Kindly call the office line on +1 (437) 922 6431  or contact us via email on hellocommucare@gmail.com informing us of when you will like to drop of the cash donation. Thank you once again for your contribution towards helping others.

Do you have questions? Call or visit us.

+1 (437) 922 6431



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